Friday, October 12, 2018

Thoughts... on my very first webinar

So I think what I’m going to start with here, instead of picking apart the webinar and telling you what I liked and didn’t like and what my experience was, I’m going to just tell you what I concluded from it.


Now that my tantrum has ended, I’ll tell you a little bit about what brought me to this conclusion.  
Positive reinforcement is what this webinar talked about. I’m not talking shit, but I’m still not
going to tell you who did the webinar.  She was very good at what she does, but I wasn’t really
buying what she was selling. Neither literally nor figuratively. At first I was like, omg, this all
makes so much sense.  But then shortly after I finished typing out my 2 ½ pages of handwritten
notes into an outline to show my husband, I was like, none of this is relevant to our struggles
whatsoever.  The thing about it is that a webinar with the information provided in this one is
extremely general. Not all kids are the same. What works for one doesn’t always work for all.

This woman was selling three different packages to learn her coveted parenting secrets.  I mean
it’s cool and I’m sure some moms (and dads) were out there watching this and crying tears of joy
because they finally found something that works for their kid(s).  That’s great and I am happy for
those parents!!!!! I must say, though, as great as I thought this information was, it just didn’t apply
to me in my life.

Yes I yell.  A lot. But I’m only angry like 45% of the time.  My house is big. Sometimes I yell just
to be heard across the house, or over the TV or over the 200 toys lined up from one side of my
house to the other all going off in song at the same exact fucking time!!!!!!!  I think yelling is just a
thing for me. I must exude authority, so I use my big girl voice! AKA.. “My mom voice”! My boys
are tall. They’re 7 and 2 and they’ll be towering over me in the next 5 years. I NEED to make sure
they’re still scared of me even when they’re 6 inches taller than I am!  Ha ha! But for real, I’m not
playin y’all!!! Ok I’m digressing AGAIN!

In conclusion…  The webinar was cool.  If you’re into that sort of thing.  My kids are good and my
husband and I are great parents.  It took this webinar to make me realize how great we are doing
with our boys.  Everyone has setbacks and downfalls and things that can be improved upon, but
overall, I’m happy with the way my boys are turning out and I could not be more proud to be their

Next post will discuss my precious and adorable THREE YEAR OLD TERROR!!!!! He’s not quite
3 yet, but close enough for his wrath to be felt!  Let me teeeeeell you!

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

My Very First Webinar

So I have always been skeptical of “free” webinars.  Like, they have to be selling something right? Yes! They ALWAYS are, but…  is the free part even going to be worthwhile if you know you’re not going to purchase anything?  Well I’m about to find out in t minus 20 minutes. I haven’t written in a while just because it’s been a rough year for me.  I’ve had a lot of depression this year and I have really lost sight of some things. Those things are finally beginning to come back into perspective for me and it really feels good.  I’m watching out for self-sabotage as well, because that shit can creep in and take over before you even realize it. Anyhow.. I digress…..

This webinar in particular is a popular one I’m hearing and I heard about it via a Facebook ad.  
A FB ad huh? Real smart there Sharett! Way to go for the win with a reputable source! Meh…
FB is good for what it’s good for (which in my eyes isn’t much), but sometimes there are good
things that come from there!  I’ve gotten a few shirts from ads on there that have held up
better than my Kohl’s or Target tops ever have! Ha ha!!

It’s a parenting webinar.  Not that I think there’s anything wrong with my own personal parenting skills.
 I just wonder what could be done differently. We have so much information at our fingertips.  Reading
and hearing about others methods can spark inspiration to try things your own way. Everything is
trial and error.  Every parent knows that. What works for some, won’t work worth a damn for
some others. But you never know, you might find an idea that sparks your own personal genius
and changes your life and the lives of your children in ways you never thought possible.  

So I shall report back after the webinar which now begins in 10 minutes!  I’m excited and leery all at
the same time. I’ll give more details on the webinar itself and who it’s run by once I decide whether
that’s information that should be shared or not.  I’ll be honest, if I think it’s garbage, I’ll tell you and
leave out the info just to not talk shit. But if it’s amazing I’ll spill the deets! Pardon any spelling
or grammatical errors here!  I’m typing fast so I can post this before the webinar begins!
I’m 1000% positive I’ll be fixing them later anyway!

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