Wednesday, August 2, 2017

I'm freeeeee! Kind of!

The first day of school is upon us (tomorrow), my friends.  And do you know what that means?  FREEDOM!  Well not entirely, but in my case close enough.  Freedom from a little 6 ½ year old little stink in my face all the time telling me he’s bored even though I have the over $200 credit card bill that PROVES that I did more than my fair share to entertain his ungrateful little butt!  He wants to be going going going 24/7 and I get it!  He has boundless amounts of self-replenishing and self-sustaining BOY ENERGY that no mother who has never had boys could ever even begin to find fathomable!  I mean if you had brothers or nephews you helped a lot with, you might get it, but when it’s your own child, it’s a whole ‘nother level of WTFuck-ness! I am 1000% sure that the moms of girls only would have plenty of stories to tell me about girl issues, too!  Our little ones are a hoot one minute, a pain in the neck the next, but they will always be the joy and center of our worlds!

I write this as I sit here still fuming that I could not get B to go to bed for the life of me tonight.  He literally got up 6 times before I chased him with threats and a small amount of profanity back into his room and threatened to ground him the rest of the week if he came out again.  I’ve had peace for the past hour, though, so all is well!  As soon as I lie down and turn on my reiki music and drift off into sleepy sleepy land, I’ll be a-ok!  Till my alarm goes off at 6:30AM!  Ha ha!  This momma here is NOT a morning person!

Where does baby D fall in all of this, you might ask?  Well… He is a handful right now.  He gets into everything and is now, at 21 months, climbing onto the barstools in our kitchen and getting items off of the counter.  Yep, he’s keeping me on my toes.  So it’s not like I’m getting a break from everything.  The difference is that a 21 month old doesn’t get bored!  They find shit to do, whether it’s being good and playing with a toy or watching a short TV show or grabbing everything on the counter he can find and throwing it onto the floor.  Oh and how could I forget the best part!  He likes to get the hand soap and pump it all over the floor and himself, too.  Makes bath time a synch!  

In conclusion, I extend to all of you mommies and daddies with school aged stinkers out there a HAPPY BACK TO SCHOOL salute!  And I have a special message to the stay at home moms (like me) who have had a lot to deal with during the summer.  It’s ok to be happy to be rid of your kid(s) for several hours a day.  Sometimes, absence can make the heart grow fonder.  Send them off with a delicious and healthy lunch, a kiss, a hug and a “have a great day, sweetie” and then breathe.  Just breathe. 

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