Thursday, December 24, 2015

My Life Postpartum

I gave birth to my 2nd beautiful bouncing baby boy in October just before Halloween, so I am 8 weeks postpartum today on Christmas Eve.   Things have been going amazingly well up until the past few days.  I’m not going to bore you by complaining or talking in great detail about what’s bothering me, but I will talk a little bit about how I’ve been feeling. 

The first 2 weeks home were rough, but at the same time, absolute bliss!  I’ve had breastfeeding issues, but that’s something I’m not 100% ready to discuss yet, so there will be a different post for that when/if the time comes.  But aside from those issues, I was very happy.  This happiness was maybe in part due to the super heavy narcotics I was on!  Ha!  Aside from that, I was on cloud nine because I FINALLY had my precious little dude and I was able to hold him and stare at him all day long!  It was great!  As the weeks went by, I still felt super happy despite minor obstacles physically and mentally.  I felt like I could take on the world.  I did wonder at times if part of this was some sort of crazy postpartum mania.  It very well could have been.  Or maybe it’s completely normal and all moms go through it.  I really don’t know.  The other great part was that there were zero jealousy issues with my 5 year old son.  He gave my husband some grief by being a complete stinker and testing him beyond belief, but that’s because his dad had never been 100% in charge before since I am a stay at home mom and I’m always here.  But lucky for me my husband stepped up and took over ALL duties with our oldest while I tended to the baby 24-7.  My point is that, there weren’t any major issues.  *DS#1 adores his baby brother.  He sings to him and plays with him and gives him all kinds of hugs and kisses (which has caused us ALL to be sick twice in an 8 week time span!!!!!!)  Preschool germs are no joke!  

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So with my husband going back to work in a matter of days, reality has truly begun to set in.  I will be (for the most part) on my own with 2 little boys!  I’m not sure if it’s that fact that has made a little postpartum depression begin to set in or whether other circumstances have caused it.  I’m predisposed to postpartum depression now with DS#2 because I had it with DS#1 for 6 months.  I happen to believe a lot of that was circumstantial, though just due to some major family issues we had and the loss of a dear loved one shortly after DS#1’s birth.  This time around, things are literally blissful as far as circumstances go.  My husband just got a promotion, DS#1 is doing great in school and I’m looking into going back to school in the fall of 2016.  So I guess the hormonal aspect of things may be getting to me.  So I have decided to come up with a “stay in good spirits” plan and this blog entry is in essence a brainstorm for me to put together that plan!

What I’ve been told by most every doctor I’ve ever seen is that exercise is THE best way to combat depression.  It makes complete sense to me, because who doesn’t love that great endorphin rush you get after a good workout!  I know I do!  So that’s something to look forward to once I’m feeling up to it.  I also plan to get out of the house daily.  Whether it’s a walk or going to the grocery store or the local Barnes and Noble to write while my oldest is in school!  I love doing that and people watching!  The last idea on my “stay in good spirits” plan is getting plenty of sleep!  It’s hard to nap when my baby naps because I also have a 5 year old who is only in partial day preschool.  But getting them both to bed on time and sneaking in cat naps when the hubby is home will do me wonders, I’m sure! 

I definitely have a positive outlook, although I often feel very down.  I can still find the good in all that I come across.  It’s a full on battle half the time, let me tell you.  And it’s absolutely exhausting at times to fight the negative thoughts.  But I’ll tell you this much.  I’ve been practicing for a few years now and it used to drain me beyond belief when I first started trying.  I can now say, though it’s a challenge, it’s gotten much easier.  To anyone reading this who might be dealing with any sort of depression, I have a message for you.  Always work on replacing those negative thoughts with positive thoughts, don’t be so hard on yourself and know that you’re not the only one going through depression.  You’re never alone.  

Oh and one last thing!!! 
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*DS stands for Dear Son

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