Sunday, May 31, 2015

Kids say the darndest things!

My little dude says some cute things every once in a while and I had started compiling a list of the stories behind some of the cutest things he’s said.  Unfortunately I didn’t keep it going, so I’ve missed a lot, but I decided to start keeping track again.  So here are a few fun little stories from about a year and a half ago and then one from just recently.  Kids are such a joy and this little guy has been a real source of entertainment for me! If any of you have any stories about your kids you’d like to share, please feel free to leave me a comment!  I love that kind of stuff! 
PS... For those who don't frequent parenting forums,"DS" stands for "Dear Son".    
January 2014
Super why on mommy's head

(Interaction: Mommy to DS#1)
DS#1 was singing the “Super Why” theme song (a tv show on netflix he likes) and I said to him, “you just got the super why theme song stuck in my head.” He looks at me a little baffled, reaches over w both hands and grabs my head and says, “let me see super why stuck on your head..” So he pokes around on my head a little, then he says, “it's just hair on there, mommy!”
 Hahahahaha!!!!!!!!! Their little minds are so literal at this age! It's cute!!!!

(Interaction: Mommy to DS#1)
So we buy a pound of ground buffalo meat and make burgers anytime they have it at Sprouts food stores. Well we made them one night and DS#1 LOVED that burger!!!! He went on and on about it the rest of the night! We also had mashed potatoes and veggies w it. So that night I put him to bed and we say prayers and I start with "dear Lord, we thank you for.."  And he repeats and says, "dear Lord, we thank you for dadda and burgers.." And a few things later he goes, "and mashed potatoes"!!
It was THE cutest thing EVER!

Foot finger
(Interaction:  Dadda to DS#1)
Dadda is noticing how large DS#1’s feet are and he is pulling on his toes and pops one of them.  DS#1 says to Dadda, “You broke my toe!  I need a new toe!”  He obviously knew what a toe was, but promptly forgot, because he then says, “Dadda you broke my foot finger!”

The store
(Interaction:  DS#1 to mommy)
DS#1 reaches in my pocket and says, “you have any money in your pocket?”  I tell him no, I don’t.  So he quickly replies with a very serious expression on his face, “you need to go to the store and buy more money.”
I had a small fracture in my finger and I was telling DS#1 how it was broken.  He says, “Let me see your broken finger.”  Then he says again, very seriously, “you need to go to the store and buy a new finger.”

May 2015
The Garden
(Interaction:  DS#1 to mommy)
Here is the small back story 1st.  DS#1 and his dad built a garden in the backyard some months ago and DS#1 is very serious about his garden and LOVES it!!!
I am now pregnant with DS#2 and I was not feeling well at all.  So I was lying on the couch in a lot of pain.  DS#1 comes in and sees me lying there and he rubs my back and says (in a very serious tone), “I wish dada didn’t put DS#2 (by his actual name) in your tummy.  I wish we could just grow him in the garden.”

Saturday, May 9, 2015

100 days of enjoying the journey!

I have been pregnant 100 days today!  And it is going sooooooo SLOW!  I can’t even begin to tell you how each week drags on!  BUT...  I keep telling myself to enjoy the journey!  Easier said than done at times, but still it’s a very cool concept to live by!  I’m sure there are those women who are like, “I’ll just be happy when my baby is here.”  And some of those women are super discontent in their pregnancies.  And some of them feel that way for VERY good reason.  I know how miserable pregnancy can be for some women and I definitely feel for them.  My 1st pregnancy wasn’t exactly a walk in the park for me mentally, but I got through it.  This time around I am truly ENJOYING THE JOURNEY and remembering that life is about the journey, not the just destination!!  I have my days and my moments where I think, why did I do this to myself (well… you know what I mean!  It takes two!  Ha!)?  I question whether getting pregnant was the right decision and I sometimes beat myself up about various things that aren’t going right in that very moment.  But I’m slowly, but surely learning that beating myself up and questioning my past decisions is not going to get me anywhere, nor will it help me to live happily and fully in the present moment. 

Making a conscious effort to be happy and live in the present moment isn’t exactly the easiest thing most people will ever do.  We all identify so closely with our pasts and a lot of people feel that their past shapes who they are, but I don’t agree.  Sure some of your behaviors are learned from your past, but you have all the power in the world in your mind to change any behavior you don’t like about yourself or break whatever cycle of whatever issue your family has had for generations or whatever the case may be.  It isn’t easy.  And I’m not trying to make it sound like the simplest thing you’ll ever do.  It takes A LOT of work, self-discipline and deeply wanting to make a change.

 I have personally made many MANY changes within myself over the past several years and I feel that these changes have helped me to feel better about myself.  I use positive self-talk as opposed to talking down to myself.  And I am much more grateful for all of my blessings, as opposed to always dwelling upon what I don’t have.  All of this is making my current pregnancy easier for me mentally thus far!  I had a little blip with my bipolar medications, but since that’s been straightened out, I have been feeling over all pretty positive and happy.  It’s a trend I plan to continue with!

As far as how I’m feeling at my 100 day mark of pregnancy… I would have to say, I’m doing pretty well!  I am now officially in the 2nd trimester at 14 weeks and 2 days along and my nausea has been gone for weeks now!  I am also finally starting to get some energy back!  Doing small things tend to make me exhausted still, but I am able to do more things at once than in previous weeks.  My belly is starting to really pop out there!  Wearing loose fitting shirts no longer covers it!  What I can’t wait to have happen is for it to REALLY pop out there so that I can start flaunting this belly!  Hehe!  I love that part!  I am feeling a good amount of movement already from the baby and have been for about a week now!  That part is crazy to me because I didn’t feel movement with my son until closer to 20 weeks along!  So I guess everyone was right about that part!  We find out the baby’s gender in exactly 11 days and that is something both my husband and I are extremely eager for!  Stay tuned for the big reveal!  Don’t get too excited, though!  I don’t have anything elaborate planned to tell the big news!  But it’ll still be fun!
 photo 100 day pregnancy app pic_zps6nzwbxsp.jpg  photo 100 day pic-smaller_zpskpmqm3dq.jpg

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