Friday, January 1, 2016

Is it too soon? (Slight bragging post!)

My oldest is 5 years old and he’s very handsome!  Of course I’m biased, but I’m told constantly how good looking my child is by his preschool teachers, by strangers and by friends and family (who are also biased, but whatever!)  Now it’s bragging time!  When he was a baby I was stopped at least 3-4 times EVERY TIME I would go out anywhere in public and people (mostly girls and women of all ages) would tell me how precious or handsome or cute he was.  I mean they would gush over him!  Anyway…  My point here is that the ladies have always loved this little guy.  He’s a charmer for sure.  Well just recently I have noticed that he talks about girls a LOT!  He prefers playing with girls and he is always talking about his girl-friends.  Not girlfriends, thank GOD!  We aren’t there yet, but I can’t help but wonder if 5 years old is a little young for him to start being into girls.  Aren’t girls supposed to have cooties at this age?
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Now I know that it’s all completely innocent right now, but what’s this leading to?  Am I going to have a girl-crazed preteen or teenager?  I suppose it’s way too soon to tell, but the speculating can be funny!  I’d be lying if I said I'm not a little worried that he is going to be girl crazy.  Maybe I’m out of line, ahead of myself or just over-analyzing like I constantly tend to do!  Any way it goes, I find it interesting.  But here’s a funny story as an example to show why I’m a little worried! Ha!  We went to an indoor playground one day and before we got out of the car, he had a few things to say.  Here’s our dialog.
*DS:  “You know mom, I like girls.”
Me:  “Is that right?”
DS:  “Yep.  Now that I’m 5, I like girls.  I didn’t like girls when I was a baby.  I only want to have girl-friends now.”  (There was a definite pause of separation between girl and friends, by the way.)
Me:  “Well that’s good, baby.” (I was dumbfounded and had NO idea what to say to that!!!)
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So we go inside and he looks around and says with a big grin, “There’s a lot of girls here, mom.”  Within minutes (maybe even seconds), he had befriended 2 very cute little girls that were sisters.  After that he met another little girl.  I’m sitting there watching and thinking, OMG…  This is just too much!  All I could do was laugh.  It’s definitely cute at the moment, so I suppose what I’ll do is enjoy the innocence and laugh it off for now.  I worry too much.  Ha!  I’d love to hear any stories you guys have about your little flirty charmer boys or your little flirtatious darling girls!  This goes both ways, for sure!  Thanks for reading!  I feel better now having vented a bit via this blog post!!!  Thanks, guys!  Hugs!

*DS stands for Dear Son

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