Friday, April 24, 2015

The real truth of my pregnancy and my bipolar disorder... Thus far

As you may or may not know, I am bipolar.  That’s majority of what this blog is about.  I wanted to create a place where other moms (bipolar or not) could turn to and see that they aren’t alone in their struggles as a mom.  Everyone is fighting their own personal battles and sometimes it just helps to know that you aren’t alone and that someone else is fighting as well. 

I am fighting a true battle right now.  Being bipolar and pregnant.  I did try to take precautions before getting pregnant being that it was planned, but I don’t think I gave myself long enough to sort through the issues before getting pregnant.  Here is the back story.  I went to my psychiatrist in December ’14 and I told her my husband and I planned to start trying for another baby and that I wanted to make some adjustments to my medications.  I was on 2 medications.  The 1st is Abilify, which I’ve been on since 2006 and the other is Lamictal, which I had been on since I was pregnant with my son in 2010.  I asked her to wean me off of the Lamictal because I had been told in the past by a different psychiatrist that it has been known to cause cleft pallet in babies.   Imagine my shock hearing that news after I had spent 6 months of my pregnancy on that medication!  So my current psychiatrist took me off of that one.  My next request was to lower the dosage of the Abilify.  I was on 25mg.  So she took me down to 20mg in January ‘15.  Then I was pregnant by February ‘15.  So my next step was my 1st prenatal visit.  I went in and saw a nurse practitioner, which is standard practice in my OB/GYN office.  She informed me that when taken in the 3rd trimester or while breastfeeding, Abilify can cause major issues for the baby.  The most pertinent issues would be withdrawals at birth and the medication passing through the breast milk to the baby.   So of course this raised some major concern on my part and the part of both my obstetrician and my psychiatrist.  So about 2 ½ weeks ago, my psychiatrist lowered the dosage of my Abilify to 15mg.  All is not well.

Last weekend and the early part of this week were extremely ROUGH.   I had mood swings GALORE!!!!  It’s the most unnerving thing one can experience and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.  I will be perfectly fine one moment, then the next, something sets me off and I’m completely freaking out.  I am either crying and sad or angry and irritable.  I somehow seem to cycle between type I bipolar (manic depression) and type II bipolar disorder (hypomania aka rapid cycling).  I don’t know clinically how this works or if doctors even see it as being possible, but I know how I feel and I am extremely intuitive with my own emotions especially with regards to my disorder. 

Monday of this week I saw my obstetrician and discussed my issues.  His only suggestion was to go back on the Lamictal I went off of in December ’14.  There’s a classification system for medications during pregnancy.  A, B, C, D and X.  Class A medications are deemed safe during pregnancy, like prenatal vitamins.  And class X medications should never be taken during pregnancy, like certain narcotics.  I've included a chart below with some information.  All psychiatric medications are in a class C.  There’s not enough information to know whether these class C medications are safe, but nothing terrible has been reported, basically.  So most doctors views all psychiatric medications the same.  Testing these medications on humans is considered unethical.  His decision to put me back on Lamictal was based on the fact that it worked well for me in the past.  So I am on the lowest dosage they make of that medication.  Fingers crossed that it works.  It’s been 3 days. 

I have learned a lot over the years when it comes to controlling my moods and keeping myself centered.  But this pregnancy has really tested me thus far.  I think once I can get my meds under control, I’ll be fine.  I’ve come to find, though, that once this disorder takes a hold of me, it’s extremely difficult to feel in control of anything.  But by getting the help I need with my medication, I’ve taken control.  There are many ways to take control of a situation and they don’t all require the strength of 100 women, mentally or physically.  Sometimes knowing when to ask for help IS taking control of your situation.  Sometimes you just can’t do it all on your own.
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Saturday, April 18, 2015

I have BIG news, people!!!!!!!

I have been MIA for a while, but I decided it was time to make a comeback!  And with BIG news to make it even more exciting!  Without adding too much suspense to something you could probably already guess, I’ll just come out with it!!

I’M PREGNANT!!!!!!!!  Wooo hoooo!!!

My husband and I were trying to get pregnant so this was not a surprise!  Truth be told, 4 months ago, I wasn’t even sure if I wanted anymore kids.   We have our rambunctious little 4 ½ year old son who is MORE than a handful and for me, he is a lot to handle!  So because of that fact, I really was on the fence about more kids.  Sometimes I would think I didn’t want any more, then other times, I’d ponder it and entertain the thought.  I felt guilty because I knew my husband wanted another child, but I was just so unsure.  That’s definitely not the reason I finally made up my mind that I wanted another, too!   So don’t think I was pressured or anything.  I came to the conclusion on my own and my husband happily accepted my decision being that it’s what he has wanted all along.

One of the reasons I believe my husband and I are meant to be together and as compatible as it gets is the time frame it took us to get pregnant!  We started trying in early February and I had missed my period by the end of February!  So literally like 3 weeks!  My heart goes out to those who try for months (and some for years) and have so much trouble conceiving.  I can’t imagine the heartache.  I feel so fortunate and blessed that both times my husband and I have tried for a baby, it happened so quickly for us!  The Big Guy upstairs was on our side!  Hehe!!!

Now, just for fun I decided to fill out this little pregnancy questionnaire and share it with anyone who decides to read this!  I just thought I’d give a little insight as to what I’m going through at the moment!

How far along?  11 weeks 

Total weight gain/loss:  3lbs gained so far..  I’m not exactly happy about that, because I haven’t been able to eat the healthiest, but oh well..  What are ya gonna do!  Ha!

Maternity clothes?  I actually hate maternity clothes and think they are overpriced!  Haha!  So I will just buy XL in all my shirts and wear tons of maxi dresses and skirts and leggings!

Stretch marks?  I’m just bloated so far, so my belly hasn’t really popped out yet.  Being that this is my 2nd baby, I expect I’ll be popping out a lot sooner than the 20 weeks it took for my 1st!  I didn’t get any stretch marks with my son, so hoping for the same outcome here.  I have good genes for it.  My mom had 3 kids and hardly got any stretch marks, so I’m not worried about it.  I will also be greasing up with a DIY body oil every night once I start to pop out!
Sleep:  It’s been awful!  I have insomnia a lot of nights and tons of insane dreams.  It’s all to be expected, though.

Best moment this week:  There wasn’t anything in particular that stood out this week.

Have you told family and friends:   We told our families and majority of our friends about 5 weeks ago.  I posted a FB announcement a couple weeks ago, though.

Movement:   Probably not for another few weeks from what everyone tells me!

Food cravings:  No cravings, but TONS of food aversions!!!!!!  I am quite partial to Chipotle, though!

Anything making you queasy or sick:  Up until just a couple weeks ago, I was constantly nauseous.  Nothing triggered it, it was just there.  The smell of peanut butter is the WORST, though!!!!  I gag whenever I smell it!  I consider myself EXTREMELY fortunate to have only had morning sickness (nausea) for about 5 weeks.

Have you started to show yet:  Not yet.  I just have lots of bloating, so basically I just look pudgy in the midsection.  That’s kind of annoying!  I’ll be glad when I do start to show a little!

Gender prediction:  The Chinese gender predictor says I’m having a girl!  Haha!  My husband and I are indifferent about it, though.  We’d be happy with either.  He kind of wants a girl, though.

Labor Signs: None of that business for a long while!
Belly Button in or out?  Still in!
Wedding rings on or off? I can’t wear my rings.  My hands are too swollen.  I’ll be taking them in to get it sized soon, though with a little room to grow!

Happy or Moody most of the time:  My moods are actually pretty even.  Even more so than before I was pregnant.  I don’t know if pregnancy hormones are good for someone who is bipolar or what, but I haven’t had any troubles mood wise.  I started to feel a little depressed when I was super sick, but that was probably circumstantial.
I have had some issues with my bipolar medication that I’ll post another entry about.

Weekly Wisdom:  Love your body no matter what!!!!!!!

Milestones:  1st ultrasound!  It went great and everything looks fantastic!

Pics!!  The 1st ultrasound pic!  It surprised me that this was so unclear, because 5 years ago when I had my 1st ultrasound with my son, the pic was super clear and you could make him out and everything.  This one, not so much, but I'm still happy to have seen my baby and to know everything is going well!
The next pics are preliminary belly pics!  Ha!  I have been doing odd days for some reason!  I wanted to do 4 weeks, 8 weeks, 12 weeks and so on.  But it just hasn't worked out that way this time!  I found out I was pregnant at 3 weeks and 1 day, so I got excited and took a pic a couple days later!  Then I decided I need a new one for this entry, so the 11 weeks and 2 days one I took today!  Lots of bloating there!!!!  Very uncomfortable!  Anyway..  I'm quite stoked to be having another baby!  I'll talk about my son's reaction in a different post!  He's been SUPER duper extra cute about everything!!!!!  Thanks for reading, everyone!  Hugs!!!!

 photo ultrasound without name March 15-smaller_zpsxmf3zbxx.jpg  photo 3 weeks 3 days pregnant-smaller_zpszzn38car.jpg  photo 11 weeks 2 days pregnant-smaller_zpsytdulzsf.jpg

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